thursday- we practiced and rehearsed outside in the back parking lot with the winds in the high 60's and that faint smell of nostalgia that remind me of colorguard nights. the effect is beautiful: marimba echoing, the sharp pierce of the xylo, and the vibrating pulse of the vibe through your soul, with the addition of the coyotes howling/barking in the back...
friday- walk to macca's with Jordan + Iman and we had various discussions about middle eastern culture, and of course Macca's menu (we had to). back at school i curled all of the girl's hair in pit. at first it was good, but then i ran out of time and so the last few girl's hair was crap (sorry). the boys....okay someone needs to learn how to jell hair. (not me. and this is not even being sarcastic). at around 630ish the sky was so beautiful. a mix of clementine orange and deep blue, striped too. the score for the varsity game was close. but we didn't win. after game percussion and some pit kids went to hang out at lollicup till 12 in the morning. it was chill, i haven't had boba in such a long time.
saturday- common app session with Chris at Panera. from 11-4pm. i love some things about them: free refills on hotwater (for my tea), their chocolate pastry was so soft, and they heat up your baguette before serving it toyou. some things that are not so pleasing: their sandwich menu isn't quite my taste, the prices are too high (but good thing food is still NY mode for me, so it didn't make me flinch as much), internet connection is insecure.
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