06 April 2012

not sleepy

currently playing:right girl (acoustic) | the maine
mood:energetic and not sleepy at 2AM
Just chatting with mon ami in the early AM, discovering new music that pleases my ear, and refusing to shower (for this moment, it should happen soon though.) I have been reaching my exercise/gym goals (so far) but I have not been sleeping at a reasonable time, so I think I should make that change next week.
Something that really bothers me is my psychology class; we discuss pseudopsychology. In general, I am pretty opened to everyone's views, but the teacher really has a biased tone against some of the viewpoints. I live by the moon, stars, spiritual lifestyle, and alternative healing so the tone of criticism in the class really insults my more sensitive side on the subject matter.
Well I should probably wrap up my conversation with B, and go to sleep...despite the fact that my class does not start tomorrow until 5PM.


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