22 August 2012

Collecting Dispersions

mood: tired
So the surprise that I mentioned two blog posts down, was that I'm going to Europe! Compliments of my aunt from PV. You can read all about it > here <.
I have to remember to sew pockets tomorrow, go to Daiso, check out all and pick out a camera that we own, get some disposable cameras, and .... gee there's so much to do I don't remember all my tasks at the same time.
I'm a little upset we have to ride Delta with a layover coming back, instead of direct flights with Air France. Oh well. I am thankful I get to go to Europe already, and that I shouldn't complain about first world problems.
Oh! And instead of London, I'm making a detour to Zurich by EuroStar and then fly into Milan. Yee! So exciting!


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