25 June 2012


currently: cleaning
drinking: 王老吉
Today was the first day of summer session, B picked me up and drove us there at 8am and so the routine will follow for the next five weeks. We have a lovely little book as our required text and costed only $16.
I'm still trying to tidy up things at home from NYC and school, so much things.
I ended freshman year third quarter on a good note, or an improved note I should say. Thank you to my super genius boyfriend for helping me in math- if my tard brain didn't slip on that one problem and didn't lose 20pts automatically, I would've gotten an A+ on my math final... (*´ο`*) =3

I started a mental list of places-I-want-to-go-now, here it is (the short version):
-deelux (selling old clothes)
-joe's italian ice
-movie theaters (to watch Moonrise Kingdom and Brave)

yep. I made that in my head a few hours ago, and I am very sure it will expand. Oh The Vegan Stoner added a new post, seems interesting. I should try it out sometime. (plus this from a while back)


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